Player Character Metadata

PC wiki pages can be found in the “player_characters” collection, located at the path /all_collections/_player_characters. When adding a new character page, make a copy of the file located in the directory.

Required Front Matter

Field Data type Description
full-name string full name of the character
playbook string Name of the character’s playbook
player string First name of the player

Optional Front Matter

Field Data type Description
pronouns string Preferred pronouns of the character
alias string one or more aliases the character uses, separated by commas.
prefers-alias bool default: empty. If true, the character’s alias (or first listed alias) will be used in metadata-generated site content.
status string status of characteer; values: left blank, dead, missing, in hiding, incarcerated, or incapacitated. If left blank, site will default to displaying “active”.
desc string 1-2 sentence description of character.
picture string file location of the picture associated with the PC. (Contact site admin to set this up!)

Example Front Matter

PC with alias and picture

Example front matter for a PC with a preferred alias and a picture:

# This data in this header is used to reference your character across the entire website. 
# required
full-name: Rosie Woodward 
playbook: Hound
player: Vinnie
last_update: 12 December 2023

# optional
alias: Sizzle
prefers-alias: true
pronouns: she/her
desc: "Mysterious gunslinger, pistol enthusiast. Has a hawk. Never comfortable."
picture: Sizzle.png

PC that is presumed dead

Example front matter for a PC that is presumed dead and prefers their name over their alias:

# This data in this header is used to reference your character across the entire website. 
# required
full-name: Orianna Helker
player: Parker
playbook: Whisper
last_updated: 15 December 2023

# This data in this header is used to reference your character across the entire website. 
# required
alias: Affect
pronouns: She/They
status: Presumed dead
desc: A former steelworker who developed a fascination with the ghost field after witnessing vampires massacre her union mates. Now a manifestation of Vazara.
picture: Orianna.png