The Madman’s Assault
Professor Katya Volkova ate shit in front of a bunch of factory workers after being engaged in semi-aerial combat with the demonic foreman Slane JUST before the factory exploded.
Investigations are ongoing, but certain members of the university are eyeing her new position as department chair and trying to shuffle her off. Her case is not helped by the fact that three grad students trashed the social sciences library while hopped to the gills on Bloodneedle, and SOMEONE seems to have connected them to her.
Can a disgraced professor and a not-yet-but-maybe disgraced professor dodge university disciplinary proceedings and, perhaps, head off a criminal investigation???
Session Recap
To distance the gang from culpability in the Duskvol Ironworks explosion, Arkin goes on a rampage at Charterhall University. Scurlock and Lugos have an unfortunate encounter with the Cult of Vazara.
To exonerate Katya from her potential loss of position and to distance the gang from culpability in the Duskvol Ironworks explosion, Arkin pretended to go after the President of Charterhall University so that Katya could “kill” him. Arcade and Katya emerged as heroes of the hour, and Arkin implied that he was solely responsible for the Ironworks explosion before being “slain”.
The group also discovered that University President Vinculus Swing AND University trustee Arthur Pendryn are part of a secretive Cult to Vazara (a centuries-forgotten sky goddess). Upon informing Scurlock of this fact, the vampire reacted with cold rage and a desire to exact bloody revenge. Scurlock and Lugos went off to permanently deal with this cult and their members. Scurlock did not return, and the cult remains active. Lugos DID return with significant damage, and has refused to communicate what happened.
Off Script
The dusty chamber is abandoned. The parchment is unwritten. The old woman is in another room, calling hoarsely.
“Where the blazes are you? Scurlock!”
The events of the past few days go unwritten, unconsumed. The divination is incomplete, and the knowledge is lost.
“Where is Scurlock, Lugos? . . . Damn Blighter, that she gave you no mouth! ARGH!”
Because of this, the sun will one day shine on the world again. Because of this, the Immortal Emperor may be defeated.
Because of this, also, we have no faithful recording of events. Thus, we must turn to other sources.
TW: Fictitious account of a school shooting.
University Assault Implicates Disgraced Professor in Ironworks Sabotage
Unstable Ex-Instructor Slain By Chair of Social Sciences Department
Arkin Wollenstonecraft, ex-professor of Sparkcraft and Biology at Charterhall University, died in an attempted assault upon University Grounds this morning.
The former academic, armed with explosives and firearms, engaged in a highly destructive rampage upon the campus. Witnesses say Wollenstonecraft was yelling several imprecations against the University and President Vinculus Swing, seemingly grievances related to his termination last year.
Wollenstonecraft also alleged his involvement and responsibility in the Duskvol Ironworks explosion. An anonymous source in the City Watch confirms that Wollenstonecraft’s involvement is being investigated, and that there is evidence to corroborate his claims.
The highly destructive rampage resulted in no fatalities, but crucial components of the Sparkcraft and Mechanical Sciences buildings were destroyed. In addition, the centuries-old façade of the Lord Taylor Scaman Sr. Administrative Building was destroyed beyond hope of restoration (see page 9 for a feature on the façade’s vast historical and cultural importance).
The ex-professor’s attack was halted by bold action from Social Sciences Department Chair Ykaterina Volkova, who slew Wollenstonecraft with a well-placed arrow to the chest. Material aid was provided by City Watch special response teams and President Swing himself, who charged headlong into gunfire and distracted the assailant long enough for Professor Volkova’s shot.
Professor Volkova was under investigation at the time of the attack for suspected involvement with the Ironworks explosion. In light of the events of the morning, all charges have been dropped, and City Watch sources say there is no further interest in Professor Volkova.
Elsewhere, far away from Duskvol (but not so far as you’d think)
”. . . the eidolon? And Lugos? I saw . . .”
Gasping, wheezing sounds.
”. . . never mind. Rest. Tell me later . . .”
The wheezing continues, but a second voice speaks up.
”. . . call me Chef . . . ‘cuz . . .”
This voice is weak and hissing, but its tone is filled with satisfaction.
”. . . Mashed him . . . like a . . . potato . . .”
In the pitch-darkness, three exhausted voices start laughing.